EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility – G1 IT Services is taking responsibility of recovering the old computer products from customers by giving discount and dispatching them to e-waste collection center, so that can be recycled and reused to save environment from landfills
1-2 years old 30 % Discount
2-3 years old - 20 % Discount
3-5 years old | Dead or not working any brand products - 10% Discount

Any equipment that runs on electricity or battery that is no more in a working condition is called e-waste. It includes computer & peripherals, CFLs appliances like shavers, blenders, electronic iron etc.
The rapid growth in the electronics sector with the boom in consumer electronic products and the advent of Robotics, Automation and Internet of things, we humans have more products than we need. The latest electronic gadget we bought just a couple of years ago is now no longer used or out of date.
This has resulted in the exponential growth of Electronic Waste across the world. India alone generated 18.5 lakh tons of waste in a year which is set to rise to 50 lakh tons by 2020. These electronic products contain thousands of chemicals, some of which are precious metals like Gold, Copper but most of which are highly toxic like Lead, Mercury and Cadmium etc. These end up polluting our land, water and air if not handled in a responsible manner. The informal sector handles over 95% of all the E-Waste in India currently using crude technology of metal extraction, employing children and women to work under hazardous conditions.

As per e-waste policy as well the legislation passed by the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEF & CC) Government of India, called EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility (Management) Rules, 2016, which comes into effect from 1st Oct 2016, it is the responsibility of every Producers & consumers to ensure that their electrical and electronic equipment after their end-of-life is sent to authorized recyclers.
At G1 IT services we understand that our responsibility doesn’t end at selling you our products. G1 IT services has been working in the area of safe disposal of electronic waste.
G1 IT services will seek shared responsibility and cooperation from customers in reducing the environmental impact of their products.
G1 IT services has partnered with Saahas Waste Management Private Limited, India’s leading electronic asset management and disposal company to comply with E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 in providing environmentally sound management of end of life electronics.
Saahas Waste Management Private Limited has obtained all the necessary authorizations from the appropriate governmental agencies for their processing facilities. Saahas Waste Management Private Limited ensures proper recycling and disposal of e-waste. This helps us protect the environment from any hazardous consequences…
- Follow the instructions for proper handling of end-of-life equipment in our catalogues.
- Make sure that your electronic products are recycled only by authorized recyclers/dismantlers.
- Drop-off used all types of Computers Parts, (Input & Output Devices), Computer Accessories, Computers Peripherals, Laptop, Laptop Accessories, Laptop Spare Parts & Printers including cartridges or any accessories that have reached end-of-life at the nearest Saahas Waste Management Collection Point..
- Never dismantle your electronic products yourself.
- Never dispose electronic products in bins having ‘Do Not Dispose’ sign.
- Do not sell your e-waste to informal sector like local scrap dealer/ rag pickers.
- Never throw your electronic waste along with municipal waste as they end up reaching landfills.
- In case of any queries regarding the proper disposal and/or recycling of electronics, consumers can contact the helpdesk at
- Toll Free No: 1800 425 35287
Email: coordinator@g1thinclientpc.com
Collection Points/Drop Points: E-waste collection points
Manufacturer & consumers of a computer, music system, mobile phone, or any other electronic gadget will be “personally” responsible for the final safe disposal of the product when it becomes a piece of e-waste.
The hazardous nature of e-waste is one of the rapidly growing environmental problems of the world. The ever-increasing amount of e-waste associated with the lack of awareness and appropriate skill is deepening the problem.
Manufacturer & consumers of a computer, music system, mobile phone, or any other electronic gadget will be “personally” responsible for the final safe disposal of the product when it becomes a piece of e-waste
Digital India: E-Waste Management